The font on this poster engages the audience due to the fact that it is highlighted in a bright yellow colour making it stand out from the blue background. Yellow is associated with sunshine, joy and energy so is the perfect colour for an energy drink. the blue in the background goes well with the yellow as blue is like the sky and is also associated with depth and stability as well as symbolising trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence faith, truth, and heaven.
The angle of the camera engages the audience as it is straight on showing all of Bale's face instead of having a slight side angle. being face on to the camera makes it so the person looking at the poster can see all his emotions and see the sweet and determination on his face. This therefore engages the audience as they can feel a connection with him.
'In a different league' contributes to the meaning of this poster as Bale had recently moved to Real madrid for at the time a record deal ad who are also 'in a different league' to what he was playing in before.
- The direction given by the photographer to Gareth Bale in the image.
- How have they used of lighting?
- Why have they chosen blue for a background?
The reason that they have chosen blue for the background is because it matches the colour of his eyes, blue also has a meaning which Lucazade would most likely want to portray in the product. Blue has a meaning of confidence
- How has the above factors contributed to representing their product?