Monday, 20 November 2017

Analysing Lucozade's Advertisement

The font on this poster engages the audience due to the fact that it is highlighted in a bright yellow colour making it stand out from the blue background. Yellow is associated with sunshine, joy and energy so is the perfect colour for an energy drink. the blue in the background goes well with the yellow as blue is like the sky and is also associated with depth and stability as well as symbolising trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence  faith, truth, and heaven.

The angle of the camera engages the audience as it is straight on showing all of Bale's face instead of having a slight side angle. being face on to the camera makes it so the person looking at the poster can see all his emotions and see the sweet and determination on his face. This therefore engages the audience as they can feel a connection with him.

'In a different league' contributes to the meaning of this poster as Bale had recently moved to Real madrid for at the time a record deal ad who are also 'in a different league' to what he was playing in before. 
  • The direction given by the photographer to Gareth Bale in the image.
  • How have they used of lighting?
  • Why have they chosen blue for a background?
The reason that they have chosen blue for the background is because it matches the colour of his eyes, blue also has a meaning which Lucazade would most likely want to portray in the product. Blue has a meaning of confidence 
  • How has the above factors contributed to representing their product?

Friday, 17 November 2017

The Paradise Papers story coverage

The Paradise Papers story coverage

  1. Write up a description of the main differences between the two front pages from The Guardian and The Daily Mail, looking at both conventions and how the stories have been presented to the reader.
  2. Write a paragraph outlining why you think the Guardian created a series of news articles looking at the same issue and how that may reflect the newspapers political ideology and news values.
  3. Look at the Mirror. The Daily Telegraph, Daily Express and the Independent online newspaper and consider what you learn about these two publications from their versions of the story and the front page conventions.
  4. Look at the online versions of these stories via Mail Online and The Guardian website. Compare and contrast their coverage. Use the sites to find out as much as you can about the story, so you fully understand it. What other media elements do the two websites provide readers (e.g.: audio or video clips, hyperlinks to other sites or connected stories).
  5. Look at social media sites and explain how you think they encourage readers to interact with the story.
On Monday 6th November, the min headlines covered leaked document revealing the financial details of the super rich. It outlined how many were allowed to keep money outside of the uk in order to avoid paying tax.

The Daily Mail

Media Audience used in The Daily Mail
  • Being a controversial topic between capitalist and socialist views the subject is purely aimed at a older uneducated audience. This is portrayed with colloquialism language used (Slang/Simplified english) to appeal to this audience. Examples of this is the language used, 'dragged' and 'row' making it a forced situation 

  • Audience positioning is used within the news headline front page coverage so as the target audience read this a particular biased opinion is adopted. Those who support the monarchy like this capitalist paper depict the queen as a victim so will make the audience feel sympathy towards the queens current situation. 

  • As a tabloid during down text by simplifying language in the headline text and content to attract a whole wide target audience. 

Media language
  • Ideology is used with the words dragged making it sound forced. 

  • A biased opinion is used. Being a capitalist paper they are in favour of the political power, representation and reputation 
  • 'Dragged' makes it sound like she was forced (ideology)
  • Being a controversial subject aimed mainly towards a less educated older audience colloquialism is used (slangy/simplified english) to appeal to this target audience. 

Between the two front pages their s a distinct difference in the language used to portray the queens image. The Guardian (on the left) being a left wing news media coverage have a critical outline upon the image of the monarchy. 

However The Daily Mail has a right wing coverage supporting the monarch, portraying the queen as a victim being forced into it.

the Guardian 


  • Their target audience are the left wing socialists, these would be attracted by stories that shows negative right wing views on capitalism
  • They will also be attracted to economical and political stories 
Media language

Monday, 6 November 2017

Who owns newspapers??

Broadsheet and former broadsheet newspapers

The Barclay brothersPress Holdings                           
  • The Daily Telegraph
  • The Sunday Telegraph
The Barlcay brothers also own 
  • Ellerman lines a-shipping companies
  • little woods, yodel,, woolworths and ladybird brands-retail companies
  • The european, the scottsman, sunday business and the telegraph media group-newspapers

News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch
  • The Sunday Times
  • The Times
Scott Trust Limited
  • The Guardian
  • The Observer
Nikkei Inc. - Japanese media company
  • Financial Times
Johnston Press
  • i

Tabloid newspapers

Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail and General Trust plc

  • Daily Mail
  • The Mail on Sunday
Richard Desmond's Northern & Shell

  • Daily Express
  • Sunday Express
  • Daily Star
  • Daily Star Sunday
News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch

  • The Sun
Trinity Mirror

  • Daily Mirror
  • Sunday Mirror
  • Sunday People
People's Press Printing Society - an independent readers' co-operative

  • Morning Star

Unfinished Symphony - Massive Attack: Research

- Who are they?
Massive Attack are an English trip hop group formed in 1988 in Bristol, consisting of Robert Del NajaGrant Marshall and formerly Andy  Vowles.

Their debut album Blue Lines was released in 1991, with the single "Unfinished Sympathy" reaching the charts and later being voted the 63rd greatest song of all time in a poll by NME.

1998's Mezzanine, containing "Teardrop", and 2003's 100th Window charted in the UK at number one. Both Blue Lines and Mezzanine feature in Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

- The album 'Blue Lines.'
Blue Lines is the debut studio album by English trip hop group Massive Attack, released on their Wild Bunch label through Virgin Records on 8 April 1991.  The album was then remastered in 2012 on the 19th of November. the album consists of 9 singles ranging from 4:09 and 6:36 minutes but mostly  being around 4 and a half minutes.

- The song and video 'Unfinished Symphony.'
It was written by the three band members Robert Del NajaAndrew  Vowles and Grant  Marshall, the song's vocalist Shara Nelson and the group's co-producer Jonathan Sharp

The song was released as the second single from the band's debut album Blue Lines, on the band's Wild Bunch label distributed through Circa Records on 11 February 1991. The choice of using the name "Massive" was done to avoid a radio ban as its release coincided with the Gulf War. Produced by Massive Attack and Dollar, the song incorporates various musical elements into its arrangement, including vocal and percussion samples, drum programming, and string orchestration by arranger Will Malone.
- Bailie Walsh (Music Video Director)
- 'Street culture'
- What is 'post-punk'?

Friday, 3 November 2017

The impact of technological change on newspapers

1. Look at all of the UK news titles and research how the paywall is being used in an attempt to protect revenue and profits for these companies.
Many newspaper companies have stopped printing due to the cost. Many people now get all their news from online sources. Due to this many newspapers no have a pay wall on their online articles meaning people pay to read the news online. The more popular newspapers can afford to take of there paywall as they  have ad's on their websites anyway, whereas the smaller less known newspapers need the money from the paywall as they don't have as many readers. Here are some newspaper sites that do or don't have paywalls:

Daily Telegraph
The Times 

The Guardian- but has the option to pay subscription to support them
Daily Mail
The Sun
Daily mirror
The Independant
Daily Express

2. How do newspapers prompt readers to interact with their online news? Consider how they use social media to encourage reader participation.
3. Consider how you could apply Shirky's End of Audience Theories to online news products.
Publish your findings on to your blog. 

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Comparing Editorial Comments

small masthead
column style- text based (no images)
authoritative, persuasive tone
subheading= outlines opinion
based on current affairs
2-3 different comment articles

Guardian much more factual
Guardian appeals to a smarter audience
Mail is similar to read
Guardian is more statistical
Daily mail uses similar language to apply to younger readers

  1. Consider why people return to the same newspaper title repeatedly and feel that it represents their own views that they can identify with. How is this particularly obvious with the comment page.
People return to the same Newspaper because they like to feel like their ideas are right, so if a newspaper is saying the same sort of things that you believe in then they will keep buying that newspaper as it gives them a sense of accomplishment. This is obvious from the moment page as they are very one sided depending on the side of the political line they are on, as in are hey left or right wing.
  1. Which paper might satisfy the audience's need for entertainment the most? What kind of escapism does it offer readers and which articles provide the most entertainment.
Out of these two newspapers  the one that would be read more by people who want to be more entertained than informed about the issues would be the daily mail. This is due to the fact that the guardian is much harder to read and understand because of the language used in it. 
  1. Reading newspapers is informative because it explores current affairs and culture, but which paper is best for providing this level of education?
In my opinion the better one for educational purposes at tis level would be the daily mail as it is far easier to understand and get the idea of the story. Although you miss out on some details and statistics of the part of current news it is easier to understand what is going on.
  1. How might news and feature articles along with comment pieces spark social interactions for people?

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Analysing Our TV drama

1. What Media Language have you used in your title sequence and how do they follow the codes and conventions of this element of a TV Drama?

2. What genre is your TV Drama and how is that made clear in your title sequence?
  • The genre of out tv drama is action/crime, this is made clear from our title sequence due to the explosions, guns, drugs and police cars which all appear in the title sequence at some part. 

3. When in your episode will your title sequence occur and why?

  • Our title sequence is going to be right at the start of the tv drama as then the audience can see what they are going to be watching from the very start of the first episode.

4. How does the mise en scene of your title sequence suit the chosen genre, setting, era and the narrative of your programme?

5. Who would be the target audience of your programme and what will appeal to them about your TV Drama idea? How is this communicated in the title sequence?

6. What TV Dramas did you refer to for inspiration for your own original idea?

7. If you were asked to complete a textual analysis of your title sequence, how would you comment on the director's use of camerawork, editing, sound and mise en scene?

8. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your title sequence? 

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Our Tv Drama



  • Denis (Denny)-Undercover cop/Gang Member 
  • Josh Lannnister      -      Sidemen 
  • Luke CJ
  • Background Wingmen 

When Denny (the main protagonist) is given his assignment to go undercover and overthrow a well known and conspicuous drug business he soon realises who it is was running the business. Taking to the streets and pretending to be homeless at a place known for them to do their deals he sets up and waits. 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

An Evolving Media Product

  1. Name the two online editions and put links to the websites on to your blog post.

The guardian:

Looking at each in turn, do they follow the same codes and conventions as their print publications. If not, explain how they differ. Label an image of each page with any new conventions when compared with the print version of the brand and comment on the purpose of these extra digital elements.

  1. How are the news values made clear on the digital publications? Do the political ideologies remain the same and how can you tell?
  2. Do you think that both platforms (online and print) attract the same readership or not? Explain your answer referencing the readership data you have been given for both publications.
  3. Who do you think invests more capital in producing their online brand? Consider why this may be the case when thinking about readership habits.
  4. How do you think the two brands generate income or profit from their online publications?
  5. What interactive elements are available on the online platform and how might they increase reader loyalty?

Monday, 2 October 2017

How Stranger Things Represents Age

Stranger Things Textual Analysis
Clip One:
The director makes us follow the kids to see how close they are and what they would do for each other, this leads on to when one of them goes missing and they all get together and look for him.
Camera: In this clip there are many different camera movements used for example a Steadicam is used the shows the kids sitting around the table but also to show their surroundings and to set the scene, from the use of the Steadicam it gives it a smooth shot of the room to show that they are down stairs in the basement with low lighting and board game in the middle, this creates a scary setting especially with the game they are playing, due to the close ups of the kids we can see how they take this game very seriously like its more than a game, we find out that Mike has been planning this game for over 2 weeks and they have been playing for over 10 hours. Point of views is also used to show what each of them see’s, this is also a good shot because it shows their facial expressions so we can get a feel of what it would be like for them to be playing the game. To show how much authority the mum has a low angle shot is used from where the kids are standing (at the bottom of the stairs) looking up at his mum who is at the top of the stairs, this makes it look like the mum is looking down on the kids to state her authority.
Editing: The main editing technique used is cut, this is used to show the different camera angles around the room but also keeps the camera close to the kids to show any action that’s going to happen, this links in with fast paced editing that is also used, although there isn’t much action going on there is still fast paced editing used so they the board game feels more real because that’s how it feels for them this represents how they think and act, to them it isn’t just a game it is scary and they need to make quick decisions. Shot reverse shot is also used to show when each kid is talking but also cut from one over the shoulder shot to another.
Mise en scene: In order to make it feel like its filmed in the 80’s there has to be small and big details that give it that feel, for example the pizza box looks old fashioned and out of date, also the bikes don’t look like modern day bikes this makes the audience believes that it was actually filmed then, this also shows how much the kids relied on each other and board games as there wasn’t as much technology and they couldn’t talk over Xbox or PlayStation. At some parts there is backing music that sounds like an 80’s arcade game.

Sound: Throughout the clip there is diegetic sound used as they is constant talking and discussions on how to play and what moves to make, yet even though there is talking throughout the clip at some parts there is also non diegetic sound due to the background music but also when Mike slams down the board game character there is an extra ‘bang’ added to give it more effect, this shows how bad this is for the game but also how much of an impact it has on the kids.

News: The political landscape of Britian

UKIP: The Uk independence party 

UKIP is a party which wants to gain independence by withdrawing from the European Union. They serve loosely with the guideline policies making rational decisions to entice voters. They are popular with voters concise awareness of the failure of the other main parties.

The Conservative Party
The Conservative Party wish to improve the quality of life for everyone with a progressing economy for opportunity, wealth and business growth. A foundation for everyone to build lives  and a sustainable environment.  i don't even care anymore about his
BNP - British national Party
Have strong Patriotic feelings and racist views against those of foreign countries. These aren't parliament memebers however are governed by the public (citizens of Great Britain) there main aim is to stop immigration in to the UK.
The Green Party
Take into account environmental issues which are currently impacting the world targeting the middle class.  Here is their manifesto: "The Green Party has big, bold ideas to create a confident and caring Britain that we can all be proud of. We aren’t afraid to hope for a better future or to be honest about how we get there. We believe in being brave, in speaking our minds, and in standing up for what matters. We are proud to do politics differently."

Labour Party

Is very much a left wing political group which is made up of other smaller parties being also known as the Co-operative party. Essentially a centre-left party; but in September 2015, with the election to the leadership of a left-winger Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party has moved into a new period.

SNP - Scottish Nationalist Party

Scotland's most predominant leading party in power in the Scottish Parliament . A  nationalist party, that organized a referendum on Scottish independence which was a very big issue for the United Kingdom.

Liberal Democratic Party
The Liberal Democrats are mostly a mixture of social conservatives and social democrats. they have some traditional left wing ideas, and some right wing ones swell.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Textual analysis for mad men

Mad Men Ep1. Scene 1.

Camera Work:
At the beginning of the short clip we are introduced by an ariel shot looking down at a busy street below over the side of a high rise building. From this shot we can see a street filled with walking men and women and the street filled with old cars and yellow taxis. straight away we can see that Mad men is set in around the 1960s in an American city. The camera then cuts down to inside the building looking through the spinning door watching the workers come through before following them into the lift, it focuses the centre on the women's face and shows the men talking behind her in an objectifying matter. After this it proceeds to the offices where we see the main 2 women of this clip walking through the office using a tracking shot to show how bus the office actually is.

During this clip from mad men there is lots of both diegetic and non diegetic sound, from the very first second of the short clip there is music playing in the background and you can hear the sound of the cars and other vehicle in the busy street below. The music played is old fashioned to represent the sorts of times in which the it is set in. during the lip you can also hear the typewriters in the background also to show how busy and manic the office is.

Towards the end of the clip there are two business men in an office, when of the men asks if they have ever hired any jews and the shot reverse shot is used to show the conversation between the two men, the camera switches between the men depending on who is talking to show their facial expressions and to engage the viewer more in the converstaion. The Clip is continuenly edited so that it flows and makes the viewer stay focused on watching as it makes it more interesting.

at the very first shot of the clip we look over the big highrise tower down on the street below and see all of the old fashioned cars and the yellow taxis, from this we can tell that it is based in the 1950s/60s in an American city. When in the office we see the type writers which they think is all fancy technology this also links in with the style og the office and the clothing which the men and women wear which make the whole scene look as though it is actually based in the 60s.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

The Male gaze in todays music

The male gaze in Music Videos

1) are the videos empowering or degrading 
2) are the women in control
3) are the videos aimed at men or women or both

How is the male gaze presented in the following music videos:
  • Taylor Swift- Bad Blood
  • Justin Timberlake- Tunnel Vision
  • Rihanna- poor it on 

Clip 1- Taylor Swift, Bad Blood.
1) The music video used for Taylor Swifts 'Bad Blood' is very contradictive in the way that the females in the video are very hardcore and have many different types of fighting abilities. This is very empowering for the female gender as this is not a role both men and women are used to seeing and 

Clip 2- Justin Timberlake, Tunnel vision.

Clip 3- Rihanna, Poor It On

Monday, 4 September 2017

Top 10 TV Dramas

Top 10 TV dramas

1)Prison Break

Prison Break follows a man, Michael Scofield, on his mission to break his brother out of prison. Michael is convinced that his brother, Lincoln Burrows, is innocent of the crime for which he was committed, which was the murder of the vice president's brother.

2)Orange Is The New Black

Orange Is The New Black is an American comedy-drama series created by Jenji Kohan, which premiered on July 11, 2013, on netflix. the series, based on Piper Kerman's memoir orange Is The New Black: My Year in a women Prison (2010), follows Piper Chapman, a happily engaged New Yorker who is sent to a women's federal prison for transporting a suitcase full of drug money across international borders, 10 years prior, for her girlfriend at the time, Alex Vause.


Westworld isn't your typical amusement park. Intended for rich vacationers, the futuristic park allows its visitors to live out their most primal fantasies with the robotic "hosts." However, the robotic hosts have evolved an artificial consciousness that is similar to, yet diverges from, human consciousness.

4)Walking Dead

Waking up in an empty hospital after weeks in a coma, County Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) finds himself utterly alone. The world as he knows it is gone, ravaged by a zombie epidemic. The Walking Dead tells the story of the weeks and months that follow after the apocalypse.

5)Breaking Bad

To make sure his family is financially secure Walter White a once loyal father and chemistry teacher turns to a life of crime after developing stage 3 terminal lung cancer. Teaming up with a former student Jesse Pinkman they turn to distributing the purest crystal meth on the streets.


Back in London, his search for a  place to stay leads Dr. Watson to share a flat with Sherlock Holmes, a brilliant but eccentric private detective. together they solve baffling, and often bizarre, murder mysteries. They also have to compete with Holmes' nemesis, the criminal genius Moriarty.


As the Dorset resort of Broadchurch prepares for the summer season, 11 year old Danny Latimer goes missing. When a body is found on the beach, Miller recognizes the victim as 11 year old Danny Latimer, a family friend who frequently played with her own son of the same age.

8)Silent witness

Silent Witness is a forensics crime drama that focuses on a pathologist who attempts to identify murder victims and figure out what caused them to die.


The first season sees lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock use his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of New York City's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood as Daredevil, while uncovering a conspiracy of the criminal underworld being led by Wilson Fisk.

10)13 Reasons why

Clay Jenson follows through the path of bullying described and narrated by Hannah Baker after she commits suicide in her own bathtub and leaves tape recordings of who she blames and for how they played a part in her death.

statement of intent

I intend to use media language in my music video by trying to have the common features of a dance music gene video, meaning I will use fema...